Search Application Assessment : Getting Started

Search is complex. Start by understanding your problem.

We are experts in Enterprise Search and content analytics. Clients initially choose us because they see our unique capabilities and experience in this domain. So what is the first step in our client engagements?
Pureinsights recommends that all our customers begin their journey with a Search Application Assessment project. The Assessment is a deep-dive technical analysis led by an experienced Search Architect and often undertaken at a fixed price. During this exercise we get deep into the details of your situation and plot a course for both technologies and processes that meet your needs.

A Search Application Assessment is the first step in a comprehensive plan to enhance your search applications and truly delight your users.

During the Assessment, the Architect will evaluate the technical situation, organizational goals, and business drivers, then document findings, and develop a detailed plan and schedule. Along the way you will get to know our top engineering personnel. This accelerates your team’s understanding of our capabilities and ideas. In the end we will deliver you an Assessment document and review it in detail in a meeting with your key personnel.
Then when the delivery project is underway, the architect will play an active engineering role to ensure the system is delivered to expectations. The key to this role is that the architect must work inside the code with the team, supplying regular feedback and solving problems exposed in the design as the system is being built. This ensures quality and high performance from start to finish.

Search Application Assessment Deliverables:

Search Application Assessment Process

Gather Requirements & Feedback

Gather requirements and collect feedback on existing search implementation from key stakeholders.

Search Maturity Analysis

Create Search Maturity Analysis / Critiques of your existing sites.

Develop Search Roadmap

Develop a Search Roadmap – broken down into short term/quick wins, medium and longer-term functionality.

Produce Statement of Work

Produce Statement of Work to implement recommended items.

Internal Skills Assessment

Assessment of your organization’s ‘in-house’ skills to decide how best to help them do the development and implementation work.

Deliver Final Assessment

Create final assessment deliverable.